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Paynesville Press - April 27, 2005

Hesses named Fans of the Year

By Michael Jacobson

Barb and Dave Hess were named the Fans of the Year by the Bulldog Booster Club on Saturday night at its annual hog roast.

They were surprised to receive the award, said Dave, but they figured out during athletic coordinator Kyle Nehowig's introduction that they had been selected.

Lots of parents deserve the award, stressed Dave. "We go to a lot of events, but a lot of parents do that," he said.

The Hesses have two daughters: Jen, a 2002 PAHS grad, and Kim, a senior. The Hesses followed Jen during her high school cross country and track career and Kim during her high school cross country, basketball, and softball career. Kim is wrapping up a three-year varsity career in basketball and a five-year varsity career in softball this year.

And with Jen running for the University of Minnesota and Kim playing for the Bulldogs, the Hesses have to travel to watch both of their daughters. This weekend, Barb and Dave plan to drive to Des Moines, Iowa, and back on Friday night to watch Jen run at the Drake Relays and then be able to watch Kim play in a softball tournament at Rocori on Saturday.

Because the U has few home meets for cross country and track - none for track this year - Barb and Dave find themselves traveling out of state usually for three of Jen's events per season (cross country, indoor track, and outdoor track).

Next year, Kim plans to play softball at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, so the Hesses may face more travel to watch their daughters.

They will still be high school sports fans, said Dave. They like to watch and cheer for all the kids, he said. "It's fun watching Paynesville sports," said Dave, a 1978 PHS grad.

This is the fourth year that the Bulldog Booster Club has awarded a Fan of the Year. Last year, Donna and Lew Ahrens were honored. In 2003, it was Elda Mae Krupke, and in 2002 it was Press editor Michael Jacobson.

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