4-Hers bring home honors from the State Fair

This article submitted by Linda Stelling on 9/22/98.

Steven and Daniel Pearson, rural Paynesville, exhibited the grand champion and reserve champion charolais heifers at the Minnesota State Fair 4-H Beef Show.

The boys are the sons of Loren and Vicky Pearson. They are members of the Koronis Eager Beaver 4-H Club and received an award from the Minnesota Charolais Breeders Association.

Other members of the club exhibiting at the fair were:

Jamie Wendlandt received a purple ribbon with his registered charolais heifer.

Caleb Groshens earned a blue ribbon with his crossbred beef heifer.

Timothy Schrupp received a red ribbon with his single fryer market pen of rabbits.

Jennifer Roberg took part in the fashion review in the clothes you buy category.

The Meeker County beef exhibitors received a purple ribbon for their herdsmanship at the fair.

Members of the Koronis Konquerors have five 4-Hers advance to the Minnesota State Fair with their projects.

Rachel Gifford received a purple ribbon on her “Exploring the Environ-ment project.”

Jon Schefers received a purple ribbon on his fall junior yearling heifer and a blue ribbon on his genetic index.

Amanda Reeck received first place in her January ewe class and overall a blue ribbon on her hampshire ewe lamb. She also received a lamb lead participation ribbon.

Justin Reeck received a red ribbon on his market barrow.

The Stearns County Dairy team received third place in herdsmanship and the swine exhibitors earned a purple ribbon on swine herdsmanship.

In the open class competition, Megan Reeck earned second place in lamb lead for exhibitors 11 and younger. Amanda Reeck placed fourth in lamb lead in the 12 to 18-year-old division.

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