Sportsmen's club cleans out carp trap

This article submitted by Linda Stelling on 5/26/99.

carp trap Braving the cold waters of Lake Koronis, several members of the Paynesville Sportsmen's Club cleaned out the "carp" trap at the outlet Wednesday evening.

The men blocked the dam temporarily to slow down the water flow, enabling them to move about easier in the basin. The recent rains, had raised the water levels, making it difficult for the men to move about in the basin.

Carp were transported on an elevator from the trap to a wagon. The sportsmen's club loaded almost 15,000 pounds of carp out of the trap at the outlet of Lake Koronis.

This was the second time the men had cleaned out the trap this spring. This sweep of the trap with seining nets had them clearing out a large amount of rough fish, carp, while returning game fish to the lake. Returned to the lake were about 64 catfish weighing anywhere from 15 to 25 pounds, five northern, five walleye, and five bass.

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