Boys win trophies for racing

This article submitted by Michael Jacobson on 3/28/01.

Beier boys race The Beier name in Regal is virtually synonymous with baseball. But a new generation of Beiers is making their name known in snowmobiling circles.

Jordan, 10, and Josh, 9, added to their trophy collection this winter, winning 34 trophies for snowmobile racing. In previous years, the duo had won 100 trophies.

At the world championship at Chisholm in February, the boys took two firsts, a third, four fourths, and an eighth, earning a trophy in each race they entered. In their first four tries at Chisholm, the boys were shut out.

Jordan and Josh race Kitty Cats and 120cc Polaris sleds on ice ovals and in curvier ice tracks called Le Mans. Their sleds are modified with studs in the track and carbide on their skiis.

Their father, Joe, who claims to be the only Beier brother with no interest in baseball, serves as their chief mechanic. To run in the improved classes, Joe changes gears in the boysÕ sleds in between races. HeÕs so busy now, Joe said, ÒitÕs getting to be where I canÕt even see them on the starting line."

Jordan started racing six years ago, and trophies were less numerous in those early days, especially at Chisholm, where only the top competition comes.

This year, the boys competed at five races. They couldn't afford the expenses of racing and the costs of travel without the support of eight sponsors, Joe said, which they appreciate greatly.

Typically, the races are completed on Saturday, except for Chisholm, which takes two days. ÒIt's a lot of fun. It's a lot of running, but they're only young once," said Joe.

The boys have fun driving fast and winning. ÒYou get to drive and race and you get trophies," said Josh.

The boys are competitive, said their father, and like to win.

They also benefit from their relatively small size. ÒEvery pound in racing means a lot because those Kitty Cats only have two and a half horsepower," he explained.

The Beiers race out of a Twin Cities group that also includes Blaine Stephenson of Paynesville.

Jordan and Josh can continue in their age group on the circuit until they turn 12, at which time their father thinks they should give up racing. The boys, as Beiers, like baseball, and also want to play other sports. Their father doesn't want them to be injured racing.

Jordan and Josh attend school in the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa district. Their mother is Marcia Beier.

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