View Of The Lake

This article submitted by Linda Lorentzen on 8/12/97.

The Lake Koronis display at the Paynesville Historical Society.

In 1990 when I first began writing this column, I decided to stop at the Paynesville Historical Society to see if they had any details about Lake Koronis. I didn’t know what to expect; my expectations were not very high. I never imagined the wealth of information available.

“Lake Koronis Summer” is one of the main displays at the Historical Society. Various items ranging from fishing objects to early photographs of Lake Koronis to old maps of the region to brochures of resorts are all included in the display. Two mannequins model bathing suits popular in years past. A large map shows the locations of many points of interest on Lake Koronis.

The display has so many things that each time I am at the Historical Society I notice a new object. For instance, last week I really looked at the picture frame containing the photographs of the fifteen original members of the Broggie Gang. These men from Litchfield began coming to the south shore of Lake Koronis in 1896 to camp in tents. Several years later these men purchased two acres of land, including the camp site. As reported in the August 30, 1994 Paynesville Press, Victor and John Lundemo deeded a small tract of land to the Paynesville Historical Society. The history of the Broggies and Lundemo’s parents is printed on two monuments located on the property.

Information is also available in the form of videotape. Several years ago the summer staff at the Historical Society videotaped several residents in the Paynesville area. People are welcome to come and view the videotapes at the Historical Society or purchase the tapes for $10 each. The videotape of Kevin Burr’s presentation to the Historical Society on his collection of Indian artifacts is one of my favorites.

This year the excellent staff has reorganized the information and pictures in the files. In the past I have been able to use old pictures of Lake Koronis for my column. Now, anyone can easily access the photographs and other information about Lake Koronis.

Plat books are the final area I have found interesting in my search for information about Lake Koronis. Each winter I spend time at the Minnesota History Center reviewing microfilm of old issues of the New Paynesville/ Paynesville Press. “Koronis Park” was a name that kept coming up in the early issues but there was no reference to where it was located. Bertha Zniewski, curator of the Paynesville Historical Society, helped me find Koronis Park on the 1896 plat. Since that time I’ve had fun reviewing all the different maps and the changes that have taken place in ownership around Lake Koronis.

Last year the Paynesville Historical Society moved to its present location on Ampe Drive. Many people have assisted through their time or money in supporting the Historical Society. However, more assistance is needed. I encourage anyone with a love for Lake Koronis to support the Paynesville Historical Society. It is the only organization dedicated to preserving the history of the Paynesville area, of which Lake Koronis is an important part. Visiting the museum, investing in a membership, or donating time to help with special projects can help preserve a view from the lake.

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