Community Service Center has new director

This article submitted by Linda Stelling on 12/9/97.

After months of searching for a replacement for Ruth Aulick, Julie Knutson, Paynesville, has accepted the position as director of the Paynesville Community Service Center.

“I’m stepping into a hard position to fill,” Knutson said. “Aulick started the program and has done so much over the years.”

Knutson said she wouldn’t have been able to take over the position without the help of the volunteers at the center. “They have helped me head off problems before they occurred. The center would not be able to function without the help of its volunteers,” she added.

Knutson started Nov. 5 in her new position. Aulick worked with her for a couple of weeks, teaching her the routine and about the needed paper work.

“I will learn a lot as I go from week to week,” Knutson said. The center is open Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The first two Wednesdays of the month are designated for clothing pickup and the last two Wednesdays are for food pickup.

She stressed the importance of not dropping off clothing or furniture at the center when it is not open, especially furniture. “We do not have storage space for everything and it is important you call before dropping off anything,” Knutson added. “We don’t want items ruined by being left out in the rain or snow.

Knutson has been a teacher for six years. She moved to Paynesville from Texas. Last year, she taught physical education and health in Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City.

Besides working at the center, she is the assistant varsity and junior varsity girl’s basketball coach in Eden Valley-Watkins. She is also starting up her own business as a personal trainer and is certified with the Aerobic Fitness Association of America.

She and her husband, Gale, have three preschool children.

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