Lions collecting used eyeglasses

This article submitted by Linda Stelling on 8/21/96.

The Lions clubs of Minnesota will be collecting used eyeglasses, hearing aids and sunglasses in their booth in the education building at the Minnesota State Fair, Aug. 22 to Sept. 2.

No one, it seems, ever throws away their old glasses when they get new ones. Those coming to the State Fair are encouraged by the Lions to put the eyeglasses they no longer use in their pocket or purse, and to drop them off in the Lions booth. After receiving these eyeglasses, the Lions will measure, catalog and box them for use in their sight program in third world countries, helping others to see better.

The Paynesville Area Senior Center works with the local Lions club to sort through and check the prescriptions on donated eyeglasses. Last year the senior citizens sorted 15,000 eyeglasses. Several members have even gone to third world countries and helped fit and distribute the eyeglasses. They have been doing this for about five years.

Hearing aids are also almost never thrown away. Those that are no longer in use can be fitted, through Lions programs, to the hearing impaired around the globe. The Lions even want broken hearing aids, as parts may be taken from them to repair others.

Sunglasses, either prescription or nonprescription, are also needed for those with light-sensitivity problems. Anyone with old eyeglasses, hearing aids or sunglasses that cannot drop them at the Lions booth at the State Fair should contact the Paynesville Lions Club.

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