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Paynesville Press - May 25, 2001

DECA students advance to state

By Michael Jacobson

Ten students from the high school DECA Club have advanced to the state competition. Around 500 students participated in the district competition in St. Cloud on Wednesday, Feb. 7. Junior Scott Thompson led the local qualifiers with a second-place finish in economics in marketing.

Pictured are: (front) Laurie Barten (sixth in public speaking); (second row) Sheri Stang (tenth in hospitality management), Jennifer Bruntlett (fourth in hospitality management), and Sarah Brauchler (tenth in hospitality management and marketing quiz bowl); (third row) Adam Utsch (tenth in marketing management) and Mallory Mackedanz (tenth in marketing quiz bowl); (back) Andy Torborg (sixth in economics in marketing), Scott Thompson (second in economics in marketing and fourth in hospitality management), and Nic Glenz (eighth in economics in marketing).

Not pictured is Davis Hoekstra, who was tenth in marketing quiz bowl.

These ten students qualified to compete at the state DECA competition from March 4-6 in Minneapolis.

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