Adams Landing parking will be upgraded

This article submitted by Peter Jacobson on 4/7/98.

The parking for the Adams Landing on Baywater Road at the west end of Lake Koronis will be updated this summer, according to Paynesville Township officials.

The township board has obtained a conditional use permit from the Stearns County Planning Commission to construct a parking area parallel to and on the west side of the road. The parking area will be 10 to 12 feet wide and 250 feet long. The plans are to construct the area this summer, and to pave it in the summer of 1999. It will also be striped to indicate parking areas, and have posts and a chain on the west shoulder, if necessary.

"No Parking" signs will remain up on the lake side [east side] of Baywater Road as a safety measure, according to the plan approved by the planning commission. Parking at the access will be in the designated area only.

The township still needs to obtain approval for the plan through the Wetland Conservation Act, which requires replacement of wetlands filled in at a minimum of a 2-1 ratio, according to Greg Berg, Stearns County Environmental Services.

The Paynesville Township will also be required to remove the fill they placed in the wetland to the west of Baywater Road in the summer of 1997 in an attempt to expand the current parking area at that site.

Increased signage will also be included in the plan to warn motorists of the boat landing and pedestrian traffic.

Boaters will also be asked to observe a "no wake" area in Lake Koronis near the Adams Landing.

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